Thursday, July 2, 2009

the sinking SHIP is throwing us a life PRESERVER

call me outta date, but emagah! i jus finished watching the last episode of season 3.
i love the fact dat Ugly Betty sends ayh-lot of suprises eyh.
Seriously, i was laughin with tears. i can't wait for season 4.



By the way, Wilhelmina totally smiled at me.
She wasn't smiling, she was showing her teeth.

*Halsten(Amanda's dog) ate Betty's food*
Is that my LUNCH?
Aww. Sorry. Halsten! Leave some for Betty.

I have an announcement to make. This is important. I have big news.
Wilhelmina Slater is in the hospital.

*Everyone gasps*
It's okay. She's only there because last night her surrogate,
Christina fell down the stairs and is unconscious.

Don't worry. The baby, and Wilhelmina are fine.
Marc! What about Christina?
I'm sure that she's.... You know what? I didn't ask.

If i pay my bill, i can't pay my rent, and if i can't pay my rent
where will you send the bill? See, this is actually all for you.

Marc, you're a gay man in the fashion industry! You have plenty of advantages.
That gets me nothing.
(Gay worker, talking) Madonna. Tickets. Backstage passes.
Thanks Bitch.

Betty, we need to talk to you.
There's a problem, something that affects all of us like Global Warning.
It's Kimmy. The inconvenient truth is that she is evil. She has to go.
Whadya mean, go?
We need to kill her...
(glares) Get her fired.
But we need your help. She's working with you on the show, hmm?
I don't know guys, getting her fired...
Betty, she threatened your family!
Ok, she didn't do that, but she did...weasel her way into your big moment.

Hush little homo, don't you cry. Mandy's gonna buy you a Prada tie.

LOL.. cheers..xoxo

1 comment:

  1. wilhelmina - i came from nothing and this is the proff that i've accomplished something!

    mark - but your father is a senator?

    wilhelmina - shut up!

    hahaha. kelaka doe!
