Sunday, July 25, 2010

"You musn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling."


I'm nearly at a loss for words. Just when you thought Christopher Nolan couldn't get any better than "The Dark Knight", he outshines himself there and continues to deliver another pure awesomeness. This is possibly one of the only faultless films I have ever seen. It is absolutely positive in every way, something which is extremely cool, even more so than Avatar. Usually I try to be careful with over hyping a film, or setting the expectations too high, as film geeks all are guilty for, however for Christopher Nolan's Inception, this really is not possible.

I hate writing something which is pure gushing, but it’s really tricky here. I did not find a thing I did not like about it, I am sure if maybe I saw it a second time, maybe I would find something about it I didn't like but not the first time. The way it is cut, means that there is always action on screen, if not, then the visuals are interesting enough to keep your eyes glued.

The action scenes are well picturised and the music by Hans Zimmer is electronically haunting.

*How hot is JGL??*Kissing the girl sitting next to you won't draw the projections' attention from you, but why not try?

Saying that, I must say, that in a world full of remakes, reboots, sequels, prequels and God knows what, this is a unique chance to see something different and unmatched so far-a strong movie that, surely will be Nolan's latest masterpiece!


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