Friday, February 20, 2009


"We're meant to lose the people we love.
How else would we know how important they are to us?"

this is dedicated to my lovely gran or
'mek'.. as we all call her ..
she's frm my father side..
frankly, the only family member frm HIM
that i deeply love n care...
i couldn't care less bout others..
she's the only grandparents i ever had..
never met frm my mum's side..
they die in car crash a year b4 i was born..

back to my gran... today is her BDAY!!
"selamat hari jadi, mek! erin sayang mek."
if she is stil alive, she'll b 86 year youngs gran..

she nags alot, but i never take it seriously
bcoz she's so funny in her 'kelantanese' accent..
always taking care of my siblings when my
parents decided to go overseas...
when my mum's not around, she's the go-to-person
when my sister n brother bullying me..
when im sad, we both would walk to "pasar mini omar"
near my place to buy me sum ice-cream..
once she said she cannot 'marah' me coz i make a funny
face people get mad at me ..

recently astro showed these indian movies in fiesta channel..
both are 'sangam' n 'bobby'..
remind me of her... she lovesss these movies..
i started crying when i watched those movies..

its so painful coz...

evrytime i think of her, i cnt help it but cry..
even writing about her is soo hard..
i used to tell ppl i never met any of my grandparents..
bcoz after her death i cudnt think about her any more..
but that wudnt do her justice..
i started to talk more bout her..
ask my mum dis n dat...
i know even my mum miss her..
i can tell frm her voice..

"She'll b eternally missed, but never forgotten"

* sorry i cant continue

1 comment:

  1. ala. biasela 2. lumeah dunia. nak wat camne. aku pun missed my late uncle jugak. tapi kite bleh berdoa jer. gitoo la? bagi ceramah agama?
