Tuesday, January 4, 2011


OKAY..I'm disturbed.

Vogue Paris struggles tremendously to create something edgy and provocative to get tongues wagging. Well, congratulations! Is this supposed to be some sort of impertinent commentary on the youth-obsessed fashion industry? This editorial was simply a momentary lack of taste rather than the natural culmination of decades of fetishizing youth to the masses.

Images by BuzzFeed

Actually this editorial is not that bad if you compared it with "Toddlers & Tiaras". Now thats qui donne la chair de poule or 'creepy'.

These pageants are so nasty to little girls. Nothing like telling your kids she’s not good enough without makeup and big hair and flipper (those who didn’t know its fake teeth). I'm shocked, abhorred and disgusted Babies in makeup and skimpy clothing w/ their little bodies all exposed are NOT cute!! These children aren't even mature enough to take the criticism and rejection of such competitions....there are way more constructive ways to build their daughters' self-esteem.... I am always stunned at how young these pageants start too. You are always hearing so and so have been competing since she was 10 months old! Pray tell, how exactly does a baby "compete?" And to the mothers who say it teaches them stage presence and confidence, are those really skills that will be learned at such a young age? And the money that is spent! One family had 2 kids and was living in a small apartment. It didn't look like they were very well off either. Don't you think the thousands you spent on travel, makeup, hair, clothes etc. could have gone to a better use?


"Thank you mommy for ruining my life and let me talk to you like that! u're drivin me nuts."

agaknye leh menang tak kalau muker camni??? haha

Pics - Google Image

p.s. Loved the $900 entry fee, so you could win a top prize of $1,000. Yay!!!

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