Monday, May 2, 2011

#-i-wanna-be-a-film-critics-but-successfully-fails. {WATER FOR ELEPHANTS}

It was a bit unexciting. This is the first time; I ALMOST walked out from the cinema. But 'thanks' to Acap, he made me stay for another hour and a half. But the movie is definitely beautiful albeit it’s typical storyline. The screenplay seemed well-written though quite straightforward. The costumes and sets are gorgeous, the cinematography is exquisite, the animals are cute (especially Rosie the elephant). Since I didn't read the novel, I can't attest to its congruency with the film. Waltz will be the go-to person for the upcoming psycho roles. He just digs it I think and he creates the most intimidating gentleman on screen (but he's really beginning to be typecast as such). Witherspoon looked average to me as Marlena, but I may be biased so I won't go into it much. But I've to admit that Pattinson's part as Jacob, from laughter to extreme frustration; he displays a wide array of emotions, showing his worth as an actor. Finally.

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