Thursday, March 19, 2009

You don’t like your job, you don’t strike. You go in every day and do it really half-assed.

after 7 really long months working,
finally i'm DONE, FINISH..
woo hoo!!!
absolutely relieved dat i dont have
to wake evryday early morning, or get
squeezed in bloody lrt..
fuckin lots of people...
i may have to 'sterile' myself after dis..
but i kinda sad too..
gonna miss my "contract colleague" ..
they don't bully me which is a
big relieved...except for Meng aka Dato' Khor..
to jaston and kak habsah,
i noe i slalu ponteng keje...
i'm sorry, its jus my nature..
my attendance is really sucks..
i'm gonna miss Jaston bullyin' Meng..


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