Sunday, August 1, 2010

-The Bourne Salt-imatum- Eat your heart out, Matt Damon

Just a week ago, I returned from a movie hall with my brains in overdrive, trying to decipher the numerous hidden details in Inception. This weekend, I, again racking my brains.....but this time, we were trying to make some sense of the plot which seemed to be heading here, there and everywhere. I kinda got the vibe that this is gonna be like J Bourne flicks.

So I was right. The first half of the movie was restricted to Evelyn Salt running, cops (or CIA or FBI or whoever) chasing her, running, chasing, running and chasing. While those stunts could have made hearts miss beats about forty years ago, there was nothing new about them.

Just when you thought that's all the movie had to offer, it took a whole new look - suddenly it was all about assassinating heads of states, and even more amusingly, about nuclear holocausts. If this was what the movie was supposed to be about, why did we have to watch one hour of Salt-on-the-run stunts? It could have been made a lot better if the director had concentrated on the political thriller side of it.

Regardless, it was still a pretty good movie and definitely worth seeing, especially if you are a Jolie fan. I can honestly say that I can’t wait for the sequel. Moreover or so I think SALT triumphed BOURNE.

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