Thursday, December 31, 2009

I've enough problems in my life, so why should I see your films?

I had a hard time narrowing down my list for fave movies of 2009 but, in the end, I think I got the list right … at least for me :)

The Boat That Rocked @ Pirate Radio

First of all the title changes sucks! I love the original title
(“The Boat That Rocked”) rather than (“Pirate Radio”).
Just curious... can't see anything too offensive or unagreeable
about "The Boat That Rocked". It was a hell of alot better of a title.
Anyway, O me gosh! Wat a bloody brilliant movie..! LOL-tastic!!
dis is the first movie i ever saw everyday for about a week straight..
i know all the lines and songs by heart.. i tot it was pure escapist fun,feeling generally nostalgic and cool about the legacy of the 60s fashion and music, an amazing soundtrack with the likes of The Rolling Stones,The Kinks, Dusty Springfield, The Hollies, Jimmy Hendrix, Buddy Holly, and many many more ( little surprise Beatles not in it), with the charismatic Bill Nighy (Adopt me , pls!!!) and a bunch of other not-quite-so-ordinary eccentric characters like “The Count” (a big, brash, American god of the airwaves), Gavin (the coolest DJ), Dr Dave (Big.. but very Beautiful), Felicity (lesbian cook), Young Carl & ‘Midnight’ Mark ( yummy & sexy as hell), Angus "The Knut" Knutsford & Simon Swafford ( funniest, wackiest characters). And it's 60s Rock'n'Roll partying in the true 60s sense of the word. And The dvd commentary is freaking highlarious ( other than Tropic Thunder of coz). The deleted scenes even more highlarious. It’s a shame it didn’t make into the movie like the “Radio Sunshine” scene ( Radio Rock’s rival), “The Meaning of Life” scene ( best Rolling Stones’s song are in it) and my favorite scene ever, “Spike Seattle and the Beatles” (they went to Abbey Road, and salute to the Fab 4).

(500) Days of Summer

"This is not a love story. This is a story about love," the narrator states as "(500) Days of Summer" begins. It was bursts with originality, screams out a shattering cry of creativeness, and breaks the cliché ozone layer, soaring off into a universe of uniqueness and inspired awe. (500) Days of Summer can be summed up as Juno meets Annie Hall. I found myself laughing out loud at many of the scenes, but the laughs in the theater were few, and I think most people would label this a drama with streaks of black comedy. Following Tom (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) and Summer (Zooey Deschanel) through their
roller-coaster relationship of 500 days, the film never takes the fairy tale route of most romantic comedies. "(500) Days of Summer" is wholly accurate and one of the most, if not THE most, realistic film I have ever seen on the concept of love. Its characters are real, its ideas are real, and its heart is real. I smiled for days on end after viewing.


There’s alot of animated movie this year, but my personal favorite is Up. As an avid lover of Wall-E, I felt Pixar could never reach those heights again. I was wrong.Up's story will probably seem peculiar at first glance. An old man as a protagonist? It definitely blew my expectations. The first 5 minutes demolished every other Pixar feature just because it was the first time I cried for an animated feature.This just shows how much heart there is to the movie. The classic montage of Carl and Ellie’s life together is so sweet, incredibly romantic and my oh my how the old man loves his wife (wish i cud find LOVE LIKE THIS *squeal*). The movie literally has everything.Amazing visual effects.Amazing sound.Hilarious comedy. Breath taking action.Heart.All those combined equal something special. Today's movies like to blow you away with gimmicks, Pixar is different.
Each movie shows soul and UP definitely has it.

Sherlock Holmes

What a ride. "Sherlock Holmes" left me giddy. I absolutely loved it.
It was thrilling, funny, stylish, fast-paced and brilliantly acted.
Holmes' trademark summing up and explanation at the end is
perhaps the one enjoyable scene in the film. Robert Downey Jr. is
a delight to look at *yum*. He eats up the screen. He gives the
character all sorts of mannerisms and nuances which really bring
Holmes to life like never before. The chemistry and interplay
between him and Jude Law is hilarious, uproarious.I’m a big fan
of Rachel McAdams's performance, but I felt she just didn't bring
as much to the table as the others (Kinda like Katie Holmes in
Batman Begins) because the script never decides what to do with
her beyond setting up the shadowy, sequel-hinting presence of an
accomplice called Moriarty ( is it Brad Pitt???). Too often she and
Law are competing for scenes. We want more Law!!!! Guy Ritchie
really outdoes himself here. The way he uses the camera, the motion, the fluidity, the snappy pacing - I loved every minute of it.
A really fantastic movie. Well done.

Inglourious Basterds

It just goes to show how wrong you can be. I had not expected
to like this film.Quentin Tarantino rewrites history in the uproarious,
provocative, and entertaining "Inglourious Basterds." Inglorious
Basterds makes no apologies, asks for no forgiveness, it's a no holds
barred assault on the senses. Tarantino doesn't care if he offends, if
he steps all over stereotypes and clichés, this is film making at it purest. The film is rich with interesting dialogue, Perfect timed comedy with a dash of brutal assassination.Brad Pitt leads a cast of substantial diversity, told through Tarantino's witty and highly intelligent screenplay. Christoph Waltz as pure Nazi evil is a menacing enchantment .. (Oscar don't you dare ignore him!!), as well as one of the top
villains of the decade.

other fav:

Sunday, November 1, 2009

i'm a gleek

i'm soo GLEE-ful over dis new show..

I caught the pilot and knew this was the one new show I
was positive I would be watching. It's a new, refreshing show
that focuses more on people than situations and the writing is fantastic.
I laughed out-loud and continuously throughout the entire show. In fact,
the laughs were coming so fast, furious and relentlessly that I had to rewind
to re-watch the jokes I missed while I was laughing!
Original, Quirky, Self-Effacing, and Generous! The humor is
reminiscent of Malcom in the Middle with a longer format.
The musical aspect is refreshing and not relegated to the
margins of musical-theater fans...
the scores are as hilarious as the dialogue.

Say what??

Sue Sylvestor: You think this is hard? I have hepatitis. That's hard!

Kurt: They're gonna throw fruit at us. And I just had a facial.

Quinn: If you quit the club, I'll let you touch my breast.
Finn: Under the shirt?
Quinn: Over the bra.

Mercedes: Oh, HELL to the no! Look, I'm not down with this
background singin' nonsense. I'm Beyoncé, I ain't no Kelly Rowland.

Kurt: You busted my window.
Mercedes: Well, you busted my heart.

Kurt: It's a unitard. Guys wear them to work out nowadays.
Play sports. They wipe sweat from your body.

Sue: I'm going to ask you to smell your armpits. That's the smell
of failure, and it's stinking up my office.

Ken: You make this, and you die a legend.
Kurt: Can I pee first?

Sue: I don't trust a man with curly hair. I can't help but picture
little birds laying sulfurous eggs in there, and it disgusts me.

Quinn: Status is like currency. When your bank account is full,
you can get away with doing just about anything.
But right now, we're, like, toxic assets.

Rachel: I am not homophobic. In fact, I have two gay dads.
See, I was born out of love. My two dads screened potential
surrogates based on beauty and IQ. Then they mixed their
sperm together and used a turkey baster. To this day we don't
know which one is my real dad, which I think is pretty amazing.

Rachel: You may think that every guy in school would totally,
want to tap this, but my myspace schedule keeps me way to busy to date.

(before being thrown in the dumpster) Kurt: Please, this is Marc Jacobs' new collection!


Saturday, September 26, 2009

21 things about me .. since i'm twentyoneyearsold today..

1. i strongly believe dat most people whose in/talk politics are bloody ignorant idiots.

2. i'm a
half-perfectionist, almost obsessive compulsive but not narcissistic enuf to actually
give a shit wut the hell u think of me.

3. i want to be brutally honest...

4. i rarely talks about my problems, bcoz lets face it, u n i, our so-called problems, is nothin compared to people in poverties, wars, et cetera. i dont want to listen to
any kind of crap, SO shut the FUCKED UP!!!
be grateful.

5. Sometimes i get spontaneously freakin annoyed at myself becoz being all very
Mary Poppins-nice-ish to people. Esp strangers. Ick!

6. i hate horror-movies. i'm a self-confessed chicken. but i love
mindfuck films..

7. me is love
reading. a must b4 sleep.. i reread evry book i have.. coz books are damn expensive... I rarely loan my books, and almost never give them away. I still have 99.5 percent of the books I’ve owned since high school.

8. when my old skoolmate saw & greet me, i pretended not to know them by saying "u ni salah org." dey laugh and tot i'm fuckin kidding..
wut the hell i have to do to be taken seriously??? (not anti-social i have issues on dis matter)

i like things before they are considered cool, and
i like them long afterwards. (wah..gitula..huhu)

10. i'm not obsessed with
twilight, i prefer the term - dedicated fan. (twilighters)

11. evrytime my mum asked me why i didnt clean up my room. i answered
"i'm a devout slackism." its not even dirty.. she's exaggerating.

12. i always sing. when i say ALWAYS, i mean ALWAYS. my number one fan is
BALQIS (the VAMPIRA - she bites). Bless her ears.. huhu

13. i truly get annoyed when you go to dinner with a groups n
the check finally arrives, and one of your meal companions begins to divvy up the check down to the last penny? Seriously. if u go out with a group be freaking prepared to lose sum dime or two. People who spend 20mins dividing the bill comes off as a cheapskate –- and kills the festive mood.

14. i despise
the ME show.
It’s great to hear all the crazy, wacky, wonderful things happening in the lives of others. But once i’ve listened to u about ur own fabulous life for an hour (a really good hour), so i expect u to ask me, “So, what’s going on with you?” u blab on about urself while i listen intently, then don’t ask a thing about me in return are just plain fuckin rude.

15. i do
CURSE a lot... its not sumthing i particularly proud of..but i can't help it..its like word-vomit.. bluek (FUCK)... teringat aku mase kt fz n milk kn kn?

16. i'm passionate about
LYRICS.When lyrics outdo the melody, that deserves a standing
ovation. So I regularly listen to those kind of music. And I'm obsessed.

17. I have a weakness for MUSICIANS and GEEKS.

18. I wonder what would happen if we gave the same amount of the attention we give to iPhones to stopping the genocide in DARFUR?

19. I’m painfully SHY. No, really, I am. But if you know me, you might think I’m lying.

20. I love to LAUGH, so I will usually surround myself with things and/or people that I find funny.

21. is it weird that how donald duck normal attire doesn't include a pair of pants but when he jumps out from the shower, he was wearing a towel?? or how come Joey from FRIENDS doesn't knocked up anybodi? am i the only one who thinks its totally FUCKING HIGHLARIOUS?

I am now not DONE.

Friday, September 25, 2009


i'm 21..
so much to do..
I'm a little bit older, a little bit wiser, a little bit rounder, but still none the wiser.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

i heart HP

i watched hp & half blood prince.





its a wee bit too long..
but love evry moment of it..
and i do cry when HE die.. :(
the guy who CORMAC (Freddie Stroma) , gorjes!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

ignore my previous post..
i'm jus super-pissed..
jus hangin out with my frens at apartment rest,
SHE aka bitCH came bargin-in at our party..
showing off her 'i'm-so-hot-with-my-200ringgit-shirt'.
blah la..
eventho i'm wearing not-so-expensive stuffs,
at least i can pronounce it right..
go eff urself..
even with all dat drama,
i manage to have a good time..


Saturday, July 4, 2009

hated by many. confronted by none.

you want to send HATE LETTER to sum1,
but you're SCARED to give the letter by urself?


Please lah, you're just being immature brat.
P.S Get a life

btw, bitchy gwen-nie, u wrongly pronounce moschino..
.. mya n i had a blast laughin..

Thursday, July 2, 2009

the sinking SHIP is throwing us a life PRESERVER

call me outta date, but emagah! i jus finished watching the last episode of season 3.
i love the fact dat Ugly Betty sends ayh-lot of suprises eyh.
Seriously, i was laughin with tears. i can't wait for season 4.



By the way, Wilhelmina totally smiled at me.
She wasn't smiling, she was showing her teeth.

*Halsten(Amanda's dog) ate Betty's food*
Is that my LUNCH?
Aww. Sorry. Halsten! Leave some for Betty.

I have an announcement to make. This is important. I have big news.
Wilhelmina Slater is in the hospital.

*Everyone gasps*
It's okay. She's only there because last night her surrogate,
Christina fell down the stairs and is unconscious.

Don't worry. The baby, and Wilhelmina are fine.
Marc! What about Christina?
I'm sure that she's.... You know what? I didn't ask.

If i pay my bill, i can't pay my rent, and if i can't pay my rent
where will you send the bill? See, this is actually all for you.

Marc, you're a gay man in the fashion industry! You have plenty of advantages.
That gets me nothing.
(Gay worker, talking) Madonna. Tickets. Backstage passes.
Thanks Bitch.

Betty, we need to talk to you.
There's a problem, something that affects all of us like Global Warning.
It's Kimmy. The inconvenient truth is that she is evil. She has to go.
Whadya mean, go?
We need to kill her...
(glares) Get her fired.
But we need your help. She's working with you on the show, hmm?
I don't know guys, getting her fired...
Betty, she threatened your family!
Ok, she didn't do that, but she did...weasel her way into your big moment.

Hush little homo, don't you cry. Mandy's gonna buy you a Prada tie.

LOL.. cheers..xoxo

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

drive me to CANDY.LAND.. (o0ps).. i mean PE.LI.TA..

*my hang out 'buddies' at so bored..ladida..

Monday, June 29, 2009



Clock is ticking.
This is nerve wrecking.
I'm absolutely nervous rite now.
Less than 17 hours now. OMG!
After all my hard work, I should.. shouldn't i?
hmm. I don't think I could sleep in peace tonight.
Wish me luck please. =D

and i'm crazy bout dis song btw ..
crazy adorable ..

Saturday, June 27, 2009

got milk?

Happy 21st Birthday

Shamil Hizamie

aka milk, on, etc.

A true friend is the one who knows more about you

than yourself and still loves you


Friday, June 26, 2009

he's the KING, the real THRILLER

You can take away the thriller, but you can't take away the thrill.

In loving memory, 1958-2009

Thursday, March 19, 2009

You don’t like your job, you don’t strike. You go in every day and do it really half-assed.

after 7 really long months working,
finally i'm DONE, FINISH..
woo hoo!!!
absolutely relieved dat i dont have
to wake evryday early morning, or get
squeezed in bloody lrt..
fuckin lots of people...
i may have to 'sterile' myself after dis..
but i kinda sad too..
gonna miss my "contract colleague" ..
they don't bully me which is a
big relieved...except for Meng aka Dato' Khor..
to jaston and kak habsah,
i noe i slalu ponteng keje...
i'm sorry, its jus my nature..
my attendance is really sucks..
i'm gonna miss Jaston bullyin' Meng..


Monday, March 16, 2009


Hi hi.

After a long absence, i am back once again.
i'm in the office since 6.30am ... haha
Absolutely lovely ain't it? Never mind.
A post is a post and it shall be done right.

it seems i never wrote anything bout MU..

i'm a huge fan, u see..
but because of certain incident,
i have to write sumthing about Man U.

As all the EPL fans knew,
Liverpool kick Man U's ass last saturday..
4-1 !!!
mother f!!
omg, omg,
my abg completely moody the rest of the nite
and the next day..
my kakak had a blast teasing me...
she's not even a Liverpool fan..
jus wanted to really piss me off...
but really, she wanted to piss my abg off..
either way we're both pretty pissed..
Man U had gud start, and score a penalty kick
by C.Ronaldo (seksidropdeadgorjes btw)..
but Torres (also muy caliente) completely ruined it..
he bloody score for Liverpool..
and worst is yet to come...
they score another two goals...

i cudn't bare to see the 2nd half..
went into my mum's room and watch
'cerekarama at tv3' with my mum and kakak..
watching dat stupid drama make me even more pissed..
'lelaki melayu' dis day..
completely SOB..
i hate hearing male species so-called muslim
says "islam benarkan lelaki beristeri 4, ikut sunnah Nabi"..
hey morons, newsflash, mmgla patut ikut sunnah Nabi,
but buatlah yang wajib dulu...

(me is terpesong sekejap *-*)

Neway, Man U still on the top of the chart,
they sooo can win the title again dis season..
Dear MU players, when u lose a game,
pls respond will ya?
pls dnt let ur ass get whip like
last week...
its unbearable to watch if u guys lost again...

p/s: nard, mane aku punye man u merchandise???!!


Sunday, March 8, 2009


woo hoo!!
guess im back into being a loser ..
i watched ai again coz
megan get into final 13 during wildcard round..
im sooo dmn happy..
megan being chose by the judges
make her even more talented..
evn more brilliant...
not braggin, but i noe talent when i see one..
and megan definitely it..
she's soo quirky, unik, original, and fuckin amazing..
very good vibe n very cool feel..
if you dont like her, just respect those who do otherwise
you're just making other people see what a self conceited
miserable bully you are who doesn't deserve to be heard.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

^-^ WE.EE...

i'm so excited tonite..
i donn wanna say anithin coz
i don wanna jinx it..
i may be the only one whose happy bout it..
kinda silly.. but nvm.




omg... new obsession..

so true.. 100 Monkeys is my new obsession..
their song .. wow.. different i tell u..
drunken waltz song was hilarious..
the scientists one of fav song...
jackson on backing vocals... sound sooo sexy..


Tuesday, March 3, 2009


at work. nothin to do. done all my job in split second.
i have all the time to

here goes:

Real name:





Yes to my television. I recently left my bed. I'm such a cheater.

High school:
near my house...
Also known as (in my head) "that hellhole?"..haha

University of Life. i didn't get a very good degree there.

Short or long hair:
Long, long, long..

Are u a healthy freak:
Urmmm.. Plan to be.

Haha. Funny.

Do u have a crush on someone?:
Alex Turner. =P

Do u like yourself:
I try to.

only my ears

Righty or Lefty:
Righty. Lefty on certain occasion.


2 days old..

I was 5 and i dragged my mom to go and do it.

Person you see in the morning:

Erm. Best defying-gravity hair without use of any product or manual handling.

Sport you join:
Haha. Funny. Again. But I do watch football. Go M.U!!

Mummy wouldn’t let me.. :-(

Probably the UK or US.. :-)

First crush:

urmm..probably in kindergarten .. unfortunately i cant remember..


jus bcoz im fat doesnt mean i eat all the time..
cornetto...a MINI one okay!

The liquid of life.

I'm about to:
Blog bcoz there’s nothing to do at work…
I wannna zzZZZzzZ.


Want kids:
YES!! Practically a mummy to my baby niece.

Want to get married:
Of course.

Careers in mind:
It will stay in mind for now.

Which is better? Lips or eyes?:
Well who needs eyes if u've got lips huh :P

Hugs or kisses:

Romantic or spontaneous:
Spontaneously romantic.

Sensitive or loud:

Troublemaker or hesitant?:
Depends on my element.


Kissed a stranger?

Drank bubbles:
Heh. Most drinks have bubbles if you think about it :p

Lost glasses/contacts:
I lose my glasses strangely at home.

Ran away from home:
Been there, done that.

Liked someone younger:
aiyo, duhh.

Liked someone older:
again. Duhh.

Broke someone's heart:
Maybe it’s the other way around.

Been arrested:
yup. I’m a number 1 criminal.

Cried when someone died:
Not full-on waterworks.


Hmm. Suree.

where was I when dis happen?

Santa Claus:
I'm more for the Easter Bunny.

Definitely. And Edward Cullen is not magic genius.
He's just...

True Love/Love at first sight:


i'm so bored. ladida dida.